2 in stock
Substance for self-preparation of balling.
The prepared compound supplements: sodium bicarbonate (KH), magnesium, calcium, manganese, lithium, potassium, copper, strontium, nickel, boron, chromium, iodine, fluorine, bromine, zinc, molybdenum, iron, cobalt, sulfur.
The substances should be dosed in the same doses, according to demand. It should be remembered that the demand for elements in aquariums is varied, any element deficiencies should be supplemented individually based on tests.
Preparation method for 2 bottles:
Shake all Balling components
Ca/Mg container for each liter of RO-Di water add 50g of Calcium Ca Reef Substance
Scorpionfisch mix add 10g of Magnesium Mg Reef Substance Scorpionfisch add
10ml of component-a 1 from Balling components.
KH container For each liter of RO-Di water add 80g of KH Reef Scorpionfisch substance mix, add 5g of Sulfur Reef Scorpionfisch add 10ml of component 2 from Balling
components and 10ml of component 3 from Balling components mix
Preparation method for 3 bottles
Ca container For each liter of RO-Di water add 50g of Calcium Ca Reef Scorpionfisch substance mix add 10ml of component 1 from Balling components.
KH container For each liter of RO-Di water add 80g of KH Reef Scorpionfisch substance mix, add 5g of Sulfur Reef Scorpionfisch add 10ml of component 2 from Balling components
Mg container for each liter of water add 10g of Magnesium Mg Reef
Scorpionfisch substance to this add 10ml of component 3 from Balling components.