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It is not recommended to administer the substance automatically, it is not recommended to exceed the dose It is not recommended to use it longer than the one indicated on the label, the next dosage can be repeated after 30 days. Before using the substance, remove starfish, clams and nudibranchs from the tank. When using it in tanks with flatworms such as Turbellaria / Convolutriloba, strictly adhere to the dose. It is necessary to suck out the falling sediment every day, set the skimmer wet, use activated carbon. It should be remembered that liquid substances for removing Po4 used in tanks with flatworms can have negative effects, it is suggested that in tanks where there are whirligigs, assess the risk based on the condition of the tank, the value of the tank and the species of fish and corals in the tank – In the event of negative effects, the largest possible water change should be made.