Marine aquariums begin with passion, a difficult passion, extremely demanding, requiring patience, the desire to expand knowledge, to acquire new experiences, but it is also extremely effective, giving joy, a passion that teaches humility for the marine world, teaches patience, understanding biochemical processes, which provides many extreme emotions, a passion that is not for everyone. Being a passionate person, I would like every inhabitant of the tank to have the best possible conditions, conditions similar to its natural environment so that our charges taken out of the natural environment have the best possible under our care.That is why our company decided to take a slightly harder path, but as much as possible in accordance with nature. Reef Scorpionfish Zeolites – a mixture of specially selected zeolites designed to absorb nitrates.It should be remembered that zeolites also bind heavy metals found in water.During use, special attention should be paid to the potassium content, which is strongly bound by zeolite compounds.Thanks to the 2-4mm gradation, it was possible to obtain a very high efficiency of the agent.The best effects are obtained by using a flow filter with a flow of 200-500l/h. Application: The suggested dose is 100g per 100l of water.When using the product, the amount of NO3 should be controlled to prevent water from becoming sterile and sudden jumps in nitrates.